Tag Archives: art video

Lost City (Site-responsive artwork at the Rössing Mountain)

Lost City (Site-Responsive artwork)

Start where you are and with what you have…

I love to go out and create art with only the things the site offeres to me. No special tools, no extra material – just responding to the site and conditions I find.

When we went to explore the barren Rössing mountain I found some building rubble. To my surprise it even had some colour on it… And so this work was created with the generous and unexpected colourful offerings of the Rössing mountain.

It was really hot, as usual, in the desert. The pieces of rubble were rough, heavy and hot. And many were full of sand, which needed to be removed to show the colour. At several times I thought “Ok, that’s it, that’s enough… I am done, let’s go rather home.”.

I should have brought some gloves… – somehow I never do, and if I do, I hate wearing them. And we should have come here closer to the sun-setting, when it has cooled down – I am not sure why I forgot about this essential point?

In the end there were more and more colourful pieces which I just had to add. My hands were blistered ands scratched, but I was happy and grateful for these fragments of colour in an otherwise pretty desolate surrounding.

Here is a short video, where you can see it all happening:

And once again, I cannot tell you how cool it is that my husband enjoys joining me in my art outings and filming the process. Now that he also owns a small drone, there is another cool perspective in his short videos. This one is a bit longer (2:50min) but the landscape is so breathtaking and unique, that I think you will not mind watching it till the end. His video work and audio is a beautiful artwork in its own right.

Between all the rubble I found one piece of broken, delicate china. Although it did not really fit with the rest, I just had to give it a space in this abstract city.

I hope you enjoy these images and the video as much as I do!

Sand Stone Shadow Waves (Namib Desert)

We have spent some time in Namibia and worked on some creative projects. It was lovely to be back in the desert. The desert feels like home to me. There is a special connection, which I just cannot put into words.

This is one of the first works I created in the Namib desert, in the dune belt south of Swakopmund.

Fortunatley my husband loves to join me in the desert and with my creative projects. He enjoys to document my process, and then editing it into beautiful little artvideos and composing the music for it. These videos bring a new dimension to my work. It also shows the beautiful landscape in a new perspective and puts my work in scale and relation to the surroundings.

Some more images:

Creative Encounters

And while working I had a lovely and curious visitor. This little guy hopped along very closely as I collected the stones without a sign of fear. He seemed to just enjoy the activity and maybe the company. I thought of offering him some water in the shade which the car gave (the only shade wide and far). He accepted and some time later another little friend came to join him. I just love these unexpected moments of deep connection with nature.