2022 Dialog with Clouds (ZAC)

Rainmaker video with ‘Clouds, why are you so heavy?’ Installation

International Exhibition
Lomos de Orios Hermitage
Villoslada de Cameros (La Rioja, Spain)
ZAC Collective & Roberto Pajares – Spain, Pat van Boeckel – Netherlands
9 July 2022 – 4 September 2022

Dialogue with Clouds is an exhibition project by Zest Artist Collective (ZAC), continuing their intimate dialogue with nature. The Hermitage of Lomos de Orios, surrounded by an enchanting mountain range, is a unique environment for the collaborative artistic process that offers a connection with the essence of this special place.

Installation view (artwork by Imke Rust)
Correspondences (Detail of Installation, Mixed-media collage)

Myths, stories and images from different parts of the world often correspond to each other when you look closely. The statue of the Virgen of Lomos de Orios is connected in a mind-map-like collage to African myth, termites, personal narratives and natural objects collected in the area.
Mixed-media site-responsive installation/collage created for the exhibition “Dialog with Clouds”

Cloud Medallion
Connection… the statue of the Virgin of the Ermita de Lomos de Orios is set up high in the chapel. A rope connects her with a medallion which can easily be reached and kissed by the people who come to ask her blessings.
We have forgotten that we are all connected and all is one. And that we are deeply connected to God within our hearts. We do not need statues, ropes or medallions as go-between…
My Cloud Medallion connects my upstairs installation with the outside and the people there, who need this kind of symbolism, as well as with the sky and real clouds.

To see the complete exhibition project and work by other Zest Artist Collective members, please visit: ZAC- Dialog with Clouds.