Impressions from my visit to Dnipropetrovsk

The poster announcing our event.

The poster announcing our event.

Dnipropetrovsk. I practiced very long and often to say it correctly and still I stumble over it. Since November last year, when Artsvit Gallery‘s curator, Ms Iryna Polikarchuk, approached me with the idea to visit this beautiful city and share my art and curatorial approach with them, Dnipropetrovsk has been a phrase set on repeat in my head.

Lots of planning and ideas were sent between us, until I finally could board the plane and fly to the Ukraine again, on the invitation of the Artsvit Gallery and the German Consulate in Donesk, who are currently located in Dnipropetrovsk. On the first evening I was joined by a wonderful and inspirational colleagues Ms Sabina Shikilinskaya (Azerbaijan) and Nikita Shalenny (Ukraine) for an introduction on our art and curatorial practice and public discussion afterwards. Additionally the visiting artists each had one evening to give an in-depth presentation about our art. All three events were received by much public interest and a packed audience.

During the days we also had a full program, organized by the gallery. Another main part of my visit was to meet with the German General Consul, Mr Mössinger and representatives of the city and gallery, to finalize details for a public installation of my art planned to be installed in a park in Dnipropetrovsk later this year. I am very exited about these plans, but will share more with you about this, closer to the time.

Following is a selection of impressions from my visit. I hope you enjoy them. (Click on the images to see a larger view and description.)


8 thoughts on “Impressions from my visit to Dnipropetrovsk

    1. Imke Rust Post author

      Yes, it really was an amazing experience and so well organized! Despite the full work schedule, we still had lots of fun. 🙂

  1. Freya Rust

    Hallo, Habe Deinen Bericht von der Ukraine gelesen und mich auch über die Fotos ( eine ganze Menge) gefreut! Auf dem Letzten bist Du ganz toll raufgekommen! Liebe Grüsse auch an Steffen und Familie, Drucki, Mama

    1. Imke Rust Post author

      Wie schön, das du nun auch selber die Blogs lesen/sehen kannst! Danke, dir liebe Mama! Und Grüße zurück!


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