Waiting for Rain

It is very hot and dry. All Namibians are yearning for the rain to come. So am I.

I have decided to make another, small ‘rainmaker’ work and place it in my garden in hope to set the right energies free to let there be rain. I have made my first “Rainmaker” artwork in 2010. You can click here to be taken to pictures and information on that 🙂 .

For some time now I have been experimenting with the idea that combining creative energy and ritual with the right intentions should be able to influence the ‘reality’. In simple terms: I am trying to figure out, if a rain dance can really produce rain.

And if so, what ingredients are needed? Are there specific magical forms, rhythms, sounds or actions that are needed? Do we really need to dance to get rain, or could it be another creative expression? (Since I am not a dancer, this question is actually quite on top of my list…)

While I am still hoping to one day stumble on a copy of “Rain Dancing for Dummies”, I have settled to do a lot of reading in related matters, from traditional beliefs and cultures from all over the world to artists who have explored similar concepts, like Joseph Beuys.

And while I am at it, I thought, it will not harm to start experimenting with it already. So here are some pictures of my drawing of a raining cloud made to focus the intention on the reality which I would like to see and feel.

I have made it a few days ago and yesterday there were some promising clouds but no rain. Today there are some more clouds, so I am keeping my fingers crossed… and my intentions focused on the cool refreshing wetness of rain…

Rainmaker on my stoep (local word for verandah)

Rainmaker on my stoep (that is what Namibians call a verandah)

20cm high flat stone, sepcially collected for this purpose from the Namib. I made the drawing with white Chalk drawing.

+-20cm high flat stone, specially collected for this purpose from the Namib. I made the drawing with white Chalk, so that it can wash off with the first rain…

Some clouds in the sky in the day I have made the drawing.

Some clouds in the sky on the day I have made the drawing.


2 thoughts on “Waiting for Rain

  1. juttadobler

    Very good dear Imke!!! it is looking promising :-). maybe we should do it collectively, people living in different parts of tWindheok each making their own ‘rain stone’. I will draw one just now, to give it more energy :-).
    if it doesn’t work, you will have to dance after all!
    Love your way of thinking btw. if we can influence reality, we should be able to influence the weather too!

    1. Imke Rust Post author

      Thank you Jutta! How cool that you are re-enforcing the energy by making your own rain stone/maker. Now we must just wait and see… patience. And then, if that does not help, I will start dancing 😉 And maybe you would like to join me? Hugs to you and Thank you once again!


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