And sometimes they tell me their names…

head in clouds

And sometimes they tell me their names…

There is something begging me

To give it a life.

A face.

A form.

Something it can relate to

So that it becomes part of our human world.

Again and again they urge me.


I know they need me.

I hear them calling, begging….

But often I am too busy with less important stuff.

Or too scared, doubting if I can do them justice,

Too scared of trusting the process….


But when I allow myself to follow their calling

Opening myself up to their wishes

Having enough faith to just get going

Having enough peace to listen to their soft voices

Speaking in no language known

Trusting what I do not understand

And following even the faintest notion,

Then they guide me softly, intensely

Telling me about the exact way

In which they would like to be made manifest.


I follow their instructions as best I can.

Sometimes we are finished after a few exciting moments

Sometimes they keep me waiting forever before each new step

Occasionally it seems so simple, so obvious

At other times it is a long struggle

But in the end we always agree.


Now they have a chance to meet you

Talk to you

If you care

To listen to their soft humming.


In a deep inner dialogue

I am standing in front of them.

Amazed and intrigued.

Grateful that I could help them to come to life in our reality

Giving them a shape to be recognized by

Or a line, a colour, a texture…

However much or little they need.


I am humbled to be their midwife.

Mystified actually.

Although they tell me many of their secrets

I still cannot grasp them,

Or fully understand their complexity…

Yet they are part of me.


They tell me all I need to know

and sometimes they tell me their names…


(c)Imke Rust

(Thoughts on how my artworks come into existence)

Suits Make Men


7 thoughts on “And sometimes they tell me their names…

  1. Anneliese Thomas

    You express this insight so beautifully! Thank you for sharing it with us! May lots and then some more ‘things’ beg you to give them life and may you get better and better at listening to them 🙂

  2. elize van huyssteen

    imks, i like the cat and cold fishie so gently busy in their own world, unaware of the hovering clouds and long legs entering their world….
    hugs E

  3. ute Osterkamp

    Ich habe dein Gedicht gerade gelesen – es hat mich unheimliclh gepackt, mir eine Ahnung gegeben, was Malen wirklich sein kann/sollte. Ich bn ganz beglückt – Ute

    1. Imke Rust Post author

      Liebe Ute – wie schoen, das ich dich damit begluecken konnte! Vielen Dank fuer deine netten Worte! So ist es mit meiner Kunst, und ich habe versucht es einfach mal zu beschreiben, weil immer mal jemand fragt, wie ich zu den Bildern komme, oder warum ich bestimmte Titel waehle…. aber ich weiss nicht ob es anderen Kuenstlern auch so geht? LG imke

    1. Imke Rust Post author

      Vielen Dank, Papa! ich habe mich so sehr gefreut ueber dein Kommentar und das es dir gefaellt!


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